XBC series diesel fire pump set is a new kind of multifunctional fire control equipment developed by our companystrictly conforming to such technical requirements as thenational standard GB624$-2006 Fire Pup, and the NationalFire Protection Association NFPA20:Installation ofCentrifugal Fire Pups,XBC series integrates industrialautomatic control technology,fluid machinery and mechanicamanufacture.According to the related ire punp types forpump sets,it's dividedinto sixmajor series:XBC-IS.XBC-ZXXBC-TPOWXBC-S,XBC-TSWAandXBC-D.
As the related diesel power pump set is not restricted bypower supply,it can provide a better safety guarantee folemergent fire control; meanwhile the diesel's speed controlfunetion contributes to a wider scope for the pup set'sapplieation and performanee plus further improvement in theadjustability of pressure and flow.With progressivedevelopment ofindustrial automation,our company providesa fully automatic control system developed by ourselves andall electric units adopt elements from famous brands both athome and abroad, with a reliable guarantee for the pump set'susability and safety. It's applicable for various occasions likewarehouses,docks,airports,petrochemical engineeringpower plants,liquefed gas stations,textiles and otherindustrial and mining enterprises.The diesel fire pump set willplay a more positive role in China's modermization building.This pump set series adopts a high-quality home-made orimported diesel,which is featured by its good startingcharaeteristic,strong overload capacity,compact structureuser-friendly maintenanee and operation and high automationdegree, Therefore,it's a kind of advanced fire controlequipment withreliable perforance.
Relatedpower:s 5-1.200kW
Pressure range:0.2-2.5MPa
Rotation speed: 1,500/min;1,800r/min:2.400r/min
I.Complete three starting functions:
1.Manual starting:available for manual and automaticinterlocking and for manual starting through the change-overswitch:
2.Automatic starting:allowable for three times ofstarting,sending out "starting failure alarm" and exiting fromthe starting state in case of starting failure after three times;, ifstarting is sueeessful once, the time of starting to the ratedloadis 5-10-15S(subject to the pump set's capacity)
3.Emergency direct manual starting:available foremergency direet manual starting in case of failure of theautoiatic control device.
Il.Automatic operation:whenthe water pump setreceives an effective fire control signal, the diesel fire pupset will start and operate automatically ifthe motor Ãre pumnp'spower supply systemis power-offor open-phase or the electricpump fails to start normally. Once the power supply systemmreturns to normal or the electric pup can work normally, itcan be switched to the electrie pump automatically.
Ill, Automatic stop:when the fire control signaldisappears, the diesel fire pump will stop in a delayed andautoimatic way

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